Volume 21-1

Year 2016 


  1. Numerical Investigation of the Possibility for “Dry” Recriticality of the Molten Corium during Late In-Vessel Phase of Severe Accident at LWRR – D. Popov, O. Runeval.
  2. Investigation of IVMR Strategy with External Vessel Bottom Head Water Cooling in VVER1000/v320 Reactor Design with ASTECv2.1.0.3 Computer Code – R.Gencheva, A. Stefanova, P. Groudev
  3. Investigation of Heat Transfer and Turbulence Characteristics of a Triangular Rod Array in lattice-Boltzmann Framework – A. Tiftikci, C. Kocar
  4. Performance Optimization and Validation for the PRHRS of VVERs with RELAP5 Code – H. Ayhan, C.N. Sökmen
  5. Pin Cell Simulation of the Change in Doppler Broadening and Self-Shielding with the Change in Nuclear Fuel Temperature and Fuel Type by Using OpenMC – N. Beydogan, G. Konur, G. Sarici, O.S. Çelikten, M. Türkmen, C.N. Sökmen
  6. TRANSURANUS Analysis of the Fuel Behaviour under LOCA Conditions – N. Mihaylov, S. Kalburov, S. Boneva, M. Manolova
  7. Investigation of Thorium Utilization in a New SMR Core Design – O.S. Çelikten, S. Ergün
  8. Methodology Assessment of the Total Beta Activity in Tobacco and Tobacco Products and Certain Results – A. Georgieva, A. Srentz
  9. Radiation Exposure to the Stuff Working in PET/CT and Cyclotron Facility – S.D. Ivanova
  10. Possibilities for Nuclear Isotopes Production in WWER-1000 type of Reactors for Military Purposes – K. Zashev
  11. Ionizing Radiation in the Education of Medicine – N. Ivanova
  12. Needs of National Infrastructure for Nuclear Energy Program in Macedonia – A. Chaushevski, S.N. Poceva, H. Spasevska, N. Popov
  13. A Sample Application of Nuclear Power Human Resources Model – A. Gurgen, S. Ergun
  14. Management of Ongoing Decommissioning Projects at Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 to 4, Bulgaria – Guarantee for Safe and Timely Decommissioning Proces – D. Dishkova