The purpose of this paper is to give the nuclear community an overview of the training capabilities that the CORONA Academy will bring as an added value to the European nuclear education area. Preserving and further developing nuclear competencies, skills and knowledge related to VVER technology, as a technology used in the EU is among the main objectives of the CORONA Project. CORONA Project consists of two parts: CORONA I (2011-2014) “Establishment of a regional center of competence for VVER technology and Nuclear Applications”, co-financed by the EC Framework Program 7 and CORONA II “Enhancement of training capabilities in VVER technology through establishment of VVER training academy”, co-financed by the EURATOM 2014-2015 Working program of HORIZON 2020. Specific training schemes aimed at nuclear professionals and researchers, non-nuclear professionals and students are developed and implemented in cooperation with local, national and international training and educational institutions. The outcome of the project will provide adequate ground for transfer of VVER related knowledge.
Keywords: VVER, knowledge management, knowledge transfer, European recognition.