Rn Intensity Variation in the Vicinity of Moussala BEO, Moussala Peak – I. Penev, C. Angelov, S. Georgiev, N. Arhangelova

Using a scintillation gamma-spectrometer with a NaI detector, the 222Rn intensity variations were registered at the Moussala Basic Ecological Observatory (BEO) located at Moussala Peak at an altitude of 2925 m above sea level. The gamma-spectrometer works in a “non-stop” mode, except for a few time periods when the weather conditions or other causes interrupt its operation. The equipment can be controlled fully from any location via an internet connection with the possibility of changing the measurement conditions, downloading the necessary data, as well as turning it off and on whenever necessary. The spectra obtained are processed and analyzed in the INRNE laboratories.

Furthermore, the most widespread radioactive isotopes, mainly reactor products, can be readily detected and identified.

Keywords: Radon, scintillation spectrometers, gamma radiation, radioactive isotopes.